Motherboard ASRock X570 Phantom Gaming-ITX/TB3 ECC Ram


Shrink Ray Wielder
Original poster
SFFn Staff
Nov 14, 2017
Looking at building a workstation with the Ryzen 5 3600/3600X (not sure yet), and have noticed usability increases in my workload with ECC on my thinkpad p52.
I need 32GB of ram, and I've found these:

The SuperMicro ram really interests me, due to it's height (or lack thereof).
The question is, which kit would be the best?

Because I'm incompetent, I don't understand CAS latency and timing, I really don't know.
(I would be running them in a set for 32GB, obviously.)


Trash Compacter
Mar 4, 2019
So as I understand it ECC is officially unofficially supported by ASRock. I would definitely check the qvl for specific kits and use those because you may or may not find success with other kits. That said I don't see any 32GB ECC kits on the qvl highest I see a 16GB.