Thanks for the info.
I like the UHP-200-24, it has an interesting size too: 194 mm x 55 mm x 26 mm
But it doesn't fit in the case I have atm.
I like this line of AC-DC though, really interesting.
As per the EPP-200-24, as far as you know, is there a way to have at least a base or an U to house it?
From the specs this is another great AC-DC converter but you need to have a vent to reach 200W and the 300W/400W options are too big again being 76mm one side.
I have a Modivio 3D printed case and just dropping it onto the black acrylic side panel doesn't quite make sense.
I could couple your Dynamo 200W with one of these solutions but it's not coming together...yet.