Recent content by vhannes

  1. vhannes

    Prototype DAN HSLP-48: A powerful sub 50mm heatsink

    Has anyone looked into x570 compatibility with the cooler using a 120mm fan since the release or would I be better off waiting for b550/buying a previous gen board? Trying to keep the cooler and my vlp ram. In case of previous gen is there a favorite suitable itx board? (Not concerned about pcie...
  2. vhannes

    Prototype DAN HSLP-48: A powerful sub 50mm heatsink

    The .stl can be found here The guy who printed it said that you have to add some sort of base to it so that it doesn't warp while being printed. Also supportive removable struts should be added under the clippy bits. He said he added both in his printer soft or code or something so I don't have...
  3. vhannes

    Prototype DAN HSLP-48: A powerful sub 50mm heatsink

    I can share it if anyone wants but I was gonna find out if it works in my actual setup first before leaving it up somewhere. Theres an obvious possible issue that the shroud might make the whole thing too high which means it has to be sanded down to fit the case.
  4. vhannes

    Prototype DAN HSLP-48: A powerful sub 50mm heatsink

    Since I wasn't able to create an account on hardforum without it getting deleted I'll post this here. I drew up and had my coworker print a shroud for the black ridge + 12x15 combo. I'm not actually able to test it right now though since my zsa4 won't even ship until mid june. One of the...