Recent content by SombreSire

  1. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    So the power button will be moved at the back of the case ? you don't mean on the backplate with all the connectors ? And what will happen with the USB ports ? I am already using the two of them, one of the two as a fingerprint reader attached and having it on the top is great and easily...
  2. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Because he didn't saw your video's :-)
  3. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Hello, I have the First for one week now and I wanted to share my feelings about it. The story I was looking for a long time to replace my computer, an HP Z820, with something that was silent, the Z820 has more than 10 fans and they are not the quietest ones. After the debacle of Calyos, we had...
  4. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    You did your 'Linus' ? you drop the processor ? :oops:
  5. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Hello Monsterlabo, glad to read that :-) Even with the RGB stripe ? :-p (only joking) Thanks
  6. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Thanks all for your answers. I will go for the Seasonic 600W fanless PSU.
  7. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Thanks @Aki , I am planning on having a 'simple' 2070, I have no plan in overclocking it. I will take a deeper look at the fanless power :)
  8. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    @yeahe - ML Thanks for your message, in fact the 600W fanless model was my first choice but my 'concern' is that the load will almost be at 80% and according to the doc, the peak efficiency is at 50% load. Another point that make me look at another model is the cooling; with an i7 or i9 9th gen...
  9. S

    Production The First - Monsterlabo High Performance SFF case & Fanless CPU / GPU

    Hello, I will also be an owner of The First. Delivery shouldn't be too difficult for me I hope as I am in Belgium but you never know with BPost :-) I am looking at using an i9-9900K or i7-9700K; first choice is i9 because I would like to run VMs so number of vcores is somewhat important. For...