Recent content by reloader-1

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    Lian Li/DAN A4-H2O

    I don’t have any room on the desk, but can mount it underneath. No one has seen a similar solution?
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    Lian Li/DAN A4-H2O

    Has anyone found an under-desk mount for the A4 H20? There’s a few 3d printed ones for the original A4, but not the H20. Don’t have enough desk space and need to stick it down below, but off the floor…
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    Lian Li/DAN A4-H2O

    Final question Dan - I have the rare opportunity to purchase either the 3090 or the 3080ti, Nvidia founders edition. I know you’ve said the 3090 isn’t good for the case, but is it a complete “no” or more of a “higher temps, it works but not ideal”?
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    Lian Li/DAN A4-H2O

    Love this case, pre-ordered at Newegg. Question, given this case only has two fans (on the AIO), I’m planning on swapping them for Noctua Chromax Black ones, should I go with the NZXT X53 Kraken or the EK 240 Basic? I like Corsair memory, should I go with Vengeance or Dominator?