Recent content by junkstory

  1. J

    Prototype Project Orthrus - Smallest SLI mATX case (V2)

    Generally speaking, not naming any names whatsoever, it only takes a moment to log in to a forum and post an update, any update, whether it be good or bad. If a person cannot even commit to such a trivial task, you have to wonder whether it is even worth your while to keep your optimism about...
  2. J

    Prototype Project Orthrus - Smallest SLI mATX case (V2)

    hopefully it won't stay vaporware forever
  3. J

    Prototype Project Orthrus - Smallest SLI mATX case (V2)

    I'm going with dual gtx 2070 sli. The Ti's won't be out until next year probably..
  4. J

    Prototype Project Orthrus - Smallest SLI mATX case (V2)

    Hello - new member but longtime lurker here. When can we expect the Project Othrus Case to be released for sale, or is it intended to be a prototype only?