Recent content by iostream

  1. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    I would certainly be first in line to buy one! Really think that that layout would fill a niche that is somewhat neglected in the uSFF space : a simple, no-fuss case for users with minimal GPU requirements. Everything else in the < 5L space requires some combination of weird motherboard form...
  2. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Here's an suggestion: What if the Velka 3-RL was slightly taller to accommodate a dual slot, half-height graphics card (i.e. no riser)? I think it would be a nice solution for users who would like extra cooling height for the CPU but still want some sort of graphics solution that isn't an APU...
  3. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    How much thermal improvement do you see? Looks interesting!
  4. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Just got my Velka 3 earlier this week, and I couldn't be happier. What an awesome case!
  5. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Does this case come with all necessary screws? I was excited to see that my case had shipped, and I was reading the manual online to see what I was in store for installation-wise, and it seems that page 4 lists that there are 13 total screws, but then the rest of the manual seems to indicate...
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    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    As I understand it, the issue is that if you have it connected to a processor that supports pcie 4, it is extremely buggy regardless of whether or not you're actually using the extra bandwidth because there exists no riser that actually meets the spec
  7. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Now if only there existed a reliable PCIE 4.0 riser on the Earth...
  8. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the quick reply
  9. I

    Production Velka series cases for ultra compact and portable desktops

    Are all Velka 3 preorders likely to be fulfilled in the January timeframe quoted above, or are they going to be done in batches according to how early you preordered? I was quite late to the party (I preordered my Velka 3 about a week ago, and I believe preorders have been taken since...