Recent content by gambra

  1. G

    Prebuilt [SFFn] ASRock's DeskMini A300 - Finally!

    Yeah I have a 10TB external I can run as a mounted drive, was just hoping I could do something with the SATA rather than USB.
  2. G

    Prebuilt [SFFn] ASRock's DeskMini A300 - Finally!

    Link didn't seem to post: Running the 4650g with 32gb of 2600 RAM (I will be running VM's on this so top speed isn't an issue) and a 1TB M2 SSD. Hoping I can figure out a way to get more storage to the device other than a 1 or 2...
  3. G

    Prebuilt [SFFn] ASRock's DeskMini A300 - Finally!

    My 4650G from hardwarestore2000 arrived over the weekend and currently posting from it. Bios update was a breeze and so was the updates etc. This is my current passmark results:
  4. G

    Prebuilt [SFFn] ASRock's DeskMini A300 - Finally!

    I just got my A300 build together for the first time and it's running great, I was just wondering has anyone got solutions for adding more reliable storage to it other than using another M.2 SSD? I was planning add at least 2x 4TB drives running on unRAID but it seems all the 2.5" drives out...