Recent content by Fledgling

  1. F

    Advice First build advice - MJOLNIR case

    We will probably see games use more ram in a year for sure, but im certain that 16gb will be enough for a few years since it's currently the "standard" for gaming, so game devs will make sure their games still run well on most systems. That being said having more ram doesn't hurt and with a...
  2. F

    Advice First build advice - MJOLNIR case

    Actually i think intel chips run hotter? Looked at some benchmarks and it seems like intel in general is a bit hotter but i wouldnt be too concerned since you won't be overclocking anyway and a 120 aio is good enough. Having integrated graphics is really useful, too bad there's no amd...
  3. F

    Advice First build advice - MJOLNIR case

    Yeah waiting for the 3070 is a good idea; but if it turns out to have that weird new design and is incompatible you'd have to wait like a month for the aftermarket versions? As for the processors amd really is the best bang for buck. Intel has better clock speeds (better for gaming) but amd has...
  4. F

    Advice First build advice - MJOLNIR case

    Honestly if you've got 3-4 months to plan your build I'd wait for the RTX 3000 series / Ryzen 4000 series releasing in autumn. Intel is better for gaming but it's also way pricier than ryzen (cpu + mobo) so it's up to you if you'd rather have slightly more fps or save money.