Recent content by falander

  1. F

    Build advice in a Silverstone FTZ01B-E - picked parts vs cooling and silence potential

    I should have all part delivered next week then when it is build I'll post some pictures and maybe some info how the system behaves. :)
  2. F

    Build advice in a Silverstone FTZ01B-E - picked parts vs cooling and silence potential

    So nobody elaborated about my issues but at the end I thought this through and will go with the NH-L12S and hope the two fans facing each other on the rad will not make a lot of turbulent noise when on a load.
  3. F

    Build advice in a Silverstone FTZ01B-E - picked parts vs cooling and silence potential

    Hi Everyone. First I wanted to make a small introduction of what I would like to achieve and why. My current PC is a thing from the past, build way over a decade ago. I think my mobile phone is stronger... Even though the PC is a bit too loud, to big etc. it kinda worked. I am a casual gamer...