Recent content by Dynamic3

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    Production FormD T1 Classic (READ FIRST POST)

    Hey @Wahaha360 - I know this may be a ways off but is the intention to offer the slotted aluminum side panel accessory in different colors to match the cases? I may hold off for the gunmetal color + slotted aluminum side panels if that’s the case. Much appreciated, thank you.
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    Production FormD T1 Classic (READ FIRST POST)

    Any recommendations for X570/B550 RAM for this case?
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    Production FormD T1 Classic (READ FIRST POST)

    How are the specs of this block/pump combo relative to the LT240? Rather, can it (on paper) support a GPU that's simply routed in as the LT240 can? Full disclosure: this will by my maiden watercooled build.
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    Production FormD T1 Classic (READ FIRST POST)

    That's lookin' great. Can you speak to how easily the TX240 fits into and mounts in the case? Also, is that the Crossflow model?