Recent content by Baesamic Vinegar

  1. B

    Cooling Asetek 645LT and more (FAQ / AMA)

    My MSI b450 itx has CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN ports so I plugged the pump into the SYS_FAN port and then switched it over to CPU_FAN to see if it fixed the issue and it didn't so i switched it back. It just seems extremely strange because the pump works completely fine during normal day to day uses...
  2. B

    Cooling Asetek 645LT and more (FAQ / AMA)

    Hey Dan, I bought an asetek 645LT in march and it was working fine until now. Whenever I boot up my computer after leaving it off for a while (after going to bed) the pump stops working until I restart or manually change the pump mode from DC to PWM then back to DC. However, when I restart my...