Recent content by Arthondar

  1. Arthondar

    [SFF Network] John's Weekly Mini-Rant - SFX, The New Standard

    True, cases and PSUs can last a lot (especially cases), but that is in cases where the user has a bare minimum of knowledge about hardware and cares to maintain and reuse components. Which may be common sense for us but I can assure you I’ve seen many, many times people literally buy a new PC...
  2. Arthondar

    [SFF Network] John's Weekly Mini-Rant - SFX, The New Standard

    Agreed. The entry point for SFX is still quite high, imo, because there are no “decent” cheap PSUs. Pretty much everything below ~70€ is garbage; It's almost an "all or nothing" situation: if you want to hook up a graphic card that requires some sort of auxiliary power that’s basically your...
  3. Arthondar

    Other The HDPLEX Silicon flexible PCIe riser

    Ok, so quick follow up as I lost track of time and forgot to post it. A couple weeks ago I received another hdplex cable as Larry promised above and managed to run some tests when I finally found some free time. As I informed Larry over email this cable does indeed work perfectly fine, stable...
  4. Arthondar

    Other The HDPLEX Silicon flexible PCIe riser

    Thanks, much appreciated. I’ll try to contact you asap. I actually did contact them about 2 years ago asking about a possible angled version and custom length. The length obviously they said was no problem but I never actually got a response about the angle thing, although to be honest I’m...
  5. Arthondar

    Other The HDPLEX Silicon flexible PCIe riser

    Hi people, I know I’m new around here but I wanted to comment on this topic because the whole PCIe cable has been giving me a few headaches for the past 2 and a half years. (Also, I apologize in advance for the long post, I tend to get a bit too verbose when I start typing…) I have to say my...